

Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Last of Three

Our days of being a family of three are coming to a close. Little baby L should be here any day now. We are so excited about our new addition to our family, but to be honest I am a little sad. Everyday I have to tell myself to enjoy the time I have with Miss O, because these are the last days of just us. These moments are ones that we are going to cherish forever.
We are packing our days full of  activities with Miss O, and having a blast. I sat on the sidelines of the creek on this day, because I knew that if I got in, I would slip on a rock and bust my butt. Miss O had such a great time, and played in that cold water till she could hardly move. What fun!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Making Pancakes With Daddy

Best morning ever!
 It just does not get any better than this! (Even if the pancakes got a little dark)

Friday, July 25, 2014

Knitting and Waiting

Here I am, just waiting for this little boy to make his appearance in the world. This second pregnancy has felt much more uncomfortable than my last, and the idea of having to go much longer with the terrible heartburn just seems to be too much! They say babies come at their own time, and Miss O was late, I just hope he is not as stubborn as she is.
In the meantime, I have been keeping myself busy with some knitting. I originally went to the store to buy yarn to knit up some gifts, but I could not resist starting a project for myself. I will share pictures when I am finished!
(oh yeah, that is Miss O's hand on my belly. She knows her baby brother is in there)
Happy Friday Everyone!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

"Mommy I Painting"

Well, the rain has subsided over the last couple of days, and the temperatures have shot up. It is hot! Also, I am in the final week or two of my pregnancy, and not really wanting to spend much time outside. Poor Miss O is stuck inside, and very bored.
The other day I found a pad of pictures with the strip of watercolor paint already on the page, all you have to do is add water. ( do you remember these from childhood?!) This did a much better job entertaining Miss O then I expected! I left the painting on her table all day and she kept going back to it. It was her first time painting. I got her some finger paints for Christmas last year, but have never had the courage to pull them out, and let her have a go at it. I think I like this a little better, and the clean up was a breeze! I just had to dump the water and wipe some paint off her cute little face!
What a fun activity on a hot day! 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

This Week In My Garden

Last week in my garden July 16

This morning in my garden July 23

Man that bare spot where the corn was is ugly and kinda bothering me! However, the closer I get to my due date, the less of a priority it becomes to fill that space. At the moment, I think if I got down to plant seeds, I would not be able to get up.
However, now that the corn is gone, the poblanos are finally starting to produce some peppers! Everything else is growing great! The melons look so good! Also the peach and pecan tree are producing as well.
We are still enjoying lots of food coming from this small space of ours, and making plans for the fall garden.
If you would like to share stories and photos of you garden, please leave  a link in the comment section. I would love to see how your garden grows.

Friday, July 18, 2014

From The Garden to The Kitchen

Yum Yum! With all these fresh veggies coming in to my kitchen, there is some pretty good eating going on. (I just wish I had a picture of the fries okra we have been eating) It is truly amazing how much food you can get from such a small space!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

This Week In My Garden

Last week in my garden July 9

Yesterday in my garden July 16

Did anyone notice anything different about the picture from this week?! Yep the corn is gone, and now we are stuck with the hard decision of what to plant in its place. Another change in the garden is the two new yellow squash plants that we finally got around to planting. I can't wait to start eating that wonderful looking melon! There are so many on the vine already! Yum!
If you have any stories or photos you would like to share from you garden please feel free to leave a link in the comment section. I would love to see how your garden grows!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Don't Squeeze It!!

Monsoon season causes so many changes around these parts. It brings out more bugs, which attracts more birds. Also, it makes my yard, which is usually a plot of  dirt and dead crab grass grow. Last night while finishing up dinner, my dad went out to mow the yard for me. ( we have a reel mower and it only takes a few minutes)  Well, while mowing he found this little guy in Miss O's hands. It is a dove and she was so excited to hold him. I know, I know, you are not supposed to touch birds, (she got her hands washed really well, and had a shower shortly after) but it made her so happy, and it was a good learning experience for her. We did however have to keep reminding her not to squeeze the poor thing, or kiss it.

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Corn Harvest

Well, the corn has been harvested! We did not plant a lot, and we knew we planted it too close, ( we were just so proud it was hard to then them when they needed it) so we did not get a lot of corn, but it was still tasty.
My parents did all the hard work of picking the corn, and I sat in the shade of my back porch with Miss O and shucked it. (being pregnant has some advantages)
I know I say something around these lines every time my garden is mentioned, but I am so thankful for that space to grow. It is such a blessing. We all love getting to work on something as a family, and every time we sit down at the table for a delicious dinner made from veggies that we grew, there is a since of pride. Amazing

Friday, July 11, 2014

Miss O's Big Girl Bed

In preparation for our new addition, we moved Miss O into a big girl bed! This is the full size bed that was in the guest room, and her bed was moved into the guest room for the new kiddo. We wanted to give her plenty of time to get used to the idea of having a new bed, and plenty of time for her to adjust to the idea that she is too big for her old one.
She is so proud of her big girl bed. ( which is what she calls it) She only lets other kids on it, no adults are allowed. So cute!
Miss O, so excited she can't even wait for us to get the sheets on.

She usually plays so hard at nap time that she trashes her room, then falls asleep in the floor.
All nice and neatly made

This is the pile of animals and blankets that she sleeps with every night! Silly Girl!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

This Week In My Garden

Last week in my garden July 2

This morning in my garden July 9



more melon overflow

Finally, we might get some squash

Monsoon season is such a blessing. We have watered and watered, but the plants still looked thirsty even thought they were growing well and producing. With this change in season, we now have our hottest days of summer out of the way, and the plants are receiving frequent rain! The garden is doing great! Also, the corn is ready to harvest. We are bringing in baskets full of okra, jalapenos, and tomatoes.
I am so in love with this little garden space of mine.
If you have a garden and would like to share photo and updates please leave a link in the comment section. I would love to see how your garden is growing!