

Monday, August 3, 2015

On My Needles: A Knitting Update

UGGH! I am going to start off by saying I am sorry for these bad photos. The lighting in my house is terrible. (something I have mentioned many times before, I know)
The last knitting update I did (so long ago), I had just started working on this sweater.

Well, as you can see I did not get very far. Do you see that safety pin in the photo above? I dropped a stitch and did not notice, so I kept right on knitting. I am a knitting novice and the idea of fixing my mistake was just too daunting. So, into the unfinished project pile it went. A good friend of mine is a great knitter, and I told her about this issue. She said she could fix it. I just keep forgetting to bring it with me when we have play dates. (Maybe by the next knitting update)

Then it bit me, the knitting bug I mean. It got hot and humid, and I just had to get my needles out. So I loaded the kiddos up in the car and headed to Hobby Lobby for new yarn. I was not sure what I was going to make, but I just had to get knitting.
While wondering the yarn isles touching every skein and wishing I could have them all I decided to make a blanket.

A sweet woman who works in the nursery at church just had her second baby. This pattern is super easy and cute. It is just a garter stitch, but the different colors make it so pretty. Now I just have to keep plugging away, and hopefully that sweet new baby will get this blanket before her first birthday!!

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