

Monday, August 17, 2015

A Gift From God

Friday was one of those day. You know the ones. Short Round did nothing but cry.Miss O found every excuse she could to argue with us or fling herself on the floor in tears. On top of that, the stress of the day was causing DJ and I to start bickering. There was so much tension in the house it was explosive.
Then all of a sudden it started to rain. It was still such a nice day outside, with very few clouds and sunshine, but there was quite the downpour happening. Miss O comes up to me and asks if she could play in the rain. I almost said no, but decided why not. There was no thunder or lightning, and no reason not to. During Monsoon season the storms are pretty crazy, and the opportunity to play in the rain are slim because of the thunder and lightning.
Those two had so much fun! DJ and I got the opportunity to relax and laugh while watching them play. I told DJ that this was a gift from God. He was watching us and trying to help us out a little.
When the rain stopped, it was magical. They were two totally different kids. In fact everyone's moods had completely changed for the better. The rest of the evening was perfect. What a blessing.

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