

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

I Must Make A Milion Of These

I am so excited about this shirt! Usually when I sew things for Miss O, they never fit just right. She is tall and skinny, making everything too short or too wide. This time around I made some adjustments to the pattern, and it fit perfect!
But wait, the best thing about this shirt is the price. I bought this fabric back in April when our church had its annual rummage sale (something I greatly look forward to). I got a couple of yards of this fabric for just $2. Of course she is so skinny I might have used only half a yard or so. Then, I bought the pattern back this Spring as well when Joann's was have a pattern sale. I got the pattern for only $1. The pattern is Simplicity 1451.
I have been on a sewing kick lately, and this is was the first project in the giant pile of things to make. Having that first project turn out so awesome, was super encouraging for the rest of the projects in that pile.

Monday, August 17, 2015

A Gift From God

Friday was one of those day. You know the ones. Short Round did nothing but cry.Miss O found every excuse she could to argue with us or fling herself on the floor in tears. On top of that, the stress of the day was causing DJ and I to start bickering. There was so much tension in the house it was explosive.
Then all of a sudden it started to rain. It was still such a nice day outside, with very few clouds and sunshine, but there was quite the downpour happening. Miss O comes up to me and asks if she could play in the rain. I almost said no, but decided why not. There was no thunder or lightning, and no reason not to. During Monsoon season the storms are pretty crazy, and the opportunity to play in the rain are slim because of the thunder and lightning.
Those two had so much fun! DJ and I got the opportunity to relax and laugh while watching them play. I told DJ that this was a gift from God. He was watching us and trying to help us out a little.
When the rain stopped, it was magical. They were two totally different kids. In fact everyone's moods had completely changed for the better. The rest of the evening was perfect. What a blessing.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Sweet Girls Deserve Cute Gifts

Recently one of Miss O and Short Round's friends turned two. There was a birthday brunch to celebrate her big day.
Now I am not  big fan of getting toys for other people's kiddos because you just never know what  they don't want their kids to have. Some examples of this is barbies, SpongeBob Square Pants, or anything that makes noise and requires batteries. In order to not be the guest who brings the forbidden gifts, I like to make things special for these kiddos.
I spent what felt like forever in front of my fabric trying to pick something that she would like. This flower fabric was new, and right on top of the pile. I kept going back to it, and decided it had to be the best choice. I also had just enough orange webbing left to make a quick purse. Oh and of course there is not a gift from us that is complete without a hairbow.
When it came time to open presents, I found out that the guest of honor's favorite color is orange!! She seemed to love it, and opened all the rest of her presents with the purse on her shoulder.
Squeezing in this quick and cute sewing project really lifted my mood and brightened my day.

Monday, August 10, 2015


Things are starting to change around our little house in the desert. This past week my dear sweet first born started preschool. This was a very nerve racking and exciting day for us. Back in April when we found out she was going to be attending in the fall, I thought this would be a tear filled day. I was surprised to find out I was more excited than sad to see my little girl start such a big adventure.
I would not say she loves preschool. It is all a big adjustment for her, and she is not one for change. However, I know my little girl and she will warm up to the idea of being woken up in the morning, not getting to lounge in her jammies all morning, having to eat breakfast, and having to brush her hair and teeth.

Miss O's best friend also started preschool. They were supposed to be in the same class, but those two are just up to no good when they are together, so Lissa and I  requested they be separated.
We went to pick the kiddos up on that first day, and wanted to treat them to something nice.  You know, to make the day extra special. So, we took them to McDonalds for lunch. OMG what a mistake!! They were so worn out from their first day of school, that we had to drag them out of the place because of the meltdowns they were having! (mostly Miss O)
We will admit, it was a rookie mistake! When our babies start preschool we will know better. However, it makes the memories of their first day of school all the more memorable.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Strawberry Smoothies

Let me tell you about my new favorite treat, strawberry smoothies. For health and sanity purposes, I have been cutting a bunch of sugar out of our diet. However, I still have a craving for something sweet. In comes the strawberry smoothie.
 The ingredients are simple:
Frozen Strawberries
I do not really measure the ingredients when I put them in the blender, I just pour. These are so good, and they trick my brain into thinking I am eating something super sugary and bad for me. Miss O  and I like to wait till Short Round goes down for his afternoon nap to make these. They are a great sweet treat, and they help to cool us down on these hot summer days. I will admit, we have been eating one just about every afternoon lately. Yum!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

No More Babies In My House

Well, it's official, there are no more babies in my house. Little Short Round just recently turned one!
We celebrated by having a cookout with some of our close friends and family. We were blessed with a rain storm right before party time, so it was nice and cool outside.
Just like Miss O's birthday parties, we did not get all fancy, but Short Round's party had my first ever store bought cake! I was planning on making a Very Hungry Caterpillar cake, but when I went to remove the cake from the pan, it stuck big time. We already had guest arriving, so my mom and I ran to the store to buy one. I was super sad my cake did not turn out, but the party was still lots of fun even with a store bought cake.
Just like his Mama, Short Round loved the icing on the cake. I am not sure if he ate much of the cake itself. Then, before all the kidos went home he opened his gifts. Everyone's favorite is a little tikes fire truck that Miss O had named Mayday ( like the fire truck in Fire and Rescue)
It was a special day, and Short Round is blessed to be surrounded by friends and family who love him so much. 

Monday, August 3, 2015

On My Needles: A Knitting Update

UGGH! I am going to start off by saying I am sorry for these bad photos. The lighting in my house is terrible. (something I have mentioned many times before, I know)
The last knitting update I did (so long ago), I had just started working on this sweater.

Well, as you can see I did not get very far. Do you see that safety pin in the photo above? I dropped a stitch and did not notice, so I kept right on knitting. I am a knitting novice and the idea of fixing my mistake was just too daunting. So, into the unfinished project pile it went. A good friend of mine is a great knitter, and I told her about this issue. She said she could fix it. I just keep forgetting to bring it with me when we have play dates. (Maybe by the next knitting update)

Then it bit me, the knitting bug I mean. It got hot and humid, and I just had to get my needles out. So I loaded the kiddos up in the car and headed to Hobby Lobby for new yarn. I was not sure what I was going to make, but I just had to get knitting.
While wondering the yarn isles touching every skein and wishing I could have them all I decided to make a blanket.

A sweet woman who works in the nursery at church just had her second baby. This pattern is super easy and cute. It is just a garter stitch, but the different colors make it so pretty. Now I just have to keep plugging away, and hopefully that sweet new baby will get this blanket before her first birthday!!