

Thursday, January 29, 2015

A Little Sewing For My Knitting

Sorry for my absence folks. Mr. Short Round finally got his teeth, so it was a ruff week. However, the little cutie is now feeling much better, and he can not keep from rubbing his tongue over those new teeth. Oh yeah then we had some technical difficulties, when I downloaded something funky onto the computer. All I wanted to do was print off some super cute Valentines Day coloring pages for Miss O. Good thing DJ is a mega nerd (which I love him for) and he  figured out what I did and fixed it for me.
Anyways, on to the topic for today. Yesterday Short Round took his first nap in days, so I decided to take advantage of the free time and spend some time at my sewing machine. A few years ago I found the bag below at a thrift store. I instantly fell in love with the fabric, and I had to buy it even though I had no use for it. Well this bag sat on a shelf forever till this summer. I was getting ready to go over to my parents house for dinner, and I wanted to take a knitting project. I decided to stuff the project into the bag, and it was great. The strings did not snag on anything in my purse, and the stitches did not fall of the needles. However, there was one problem. I had one bag and about 4 knitting projects.
So, when Short Round finally took a nap, I knew exactly what I wanted to make. I went through my fabric pile and found some happy fabric and got to work.

I did not follow any pattern for these bags. I just started cutting out rectangles, and then I boxed the corners. I made them if different sizes in order to accommodate the different sizes of my projects. Usually everything I make is small because it is something that is being made for the kiddos, but one of my goals this year is to knit a sweater for myself. I am also super excited to use the bag on the right. I bought that fabric about a year ago, and I loved it so much! Sadly that bag is the last of it. I am glad I used it in a project where I will get to carry it around and see it all the time.

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