I had every intention of writing this post last night, but DJ and I got caught up watching Bates Motel. Oh Netflix, how you suck us in with your automatic start of the next episode.
Anyways, to the point. Recently, the munchkins and I took a road trip to California to visit Mema and Poppy. My Aunt and Grandparents had never driven across the country before, so when they made it to Arizona, the stopped and picked us up.
Oh my, those kiddos were so excited to see their grandparents. We got to stay with them for two weeks, and visit a part of California that we have never seen. Most of the visit was spent just hanging out and catching up with family, but we were also able to do some sightseeing and celebrating while there.
Mariposa is an old mining town, and has a lot of history. While there, we were able to visit a couple of the local museums. I took so many neat pictures!
I know my mom's eyes are closed in this picture, but I love it you can see how happy she is to be with her grandbabies again.
The weather was great while we were out there. It was sunny and in the upper sixties for the majority of the visit. Flowers were in bloom everywhere. The kids spent hours out in the yard playing and picking leaves and flowers. Some were put in vases, but the majority were use as hair decorations.
While there, Poppy celebrated his 54th birthday!
He had the day off so we were able to spend it with him. We all chipped in and took him out to dinner at his favorite local restaurant.