

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Carrot Cake Muffins

Oh man! My family has been down and out the last couple of day with a stomach bug. It was one of those fast moving ones. Everyone except Short Round caught it with in 24 hours. DJ and I have never been sick at the same time before. So, that made this adventure all the more exciting.
Once we were slowly up and running again, we needed to replenish our bodies with delicious healthy snacks.

I checked out this book at the library a couple of weeks ago, and I love it! I am even planning on purchasing it. It is already in my Amazon shopping cart!
Now, I would by no means call my children picky eaters, but they can be reluctant vegetable eaters. I often find ways to sneak those veggies in without my munchkins realizing it. I was super excited when I found this recipe for carrot cake muffins. My kids love muffins, and I had the ingredients on hand already!


I can always count on my munchkins to help me bake. I know it is not really a love or baking, or spending time with Mommy that makes them so excited when I start a baking project. It's all about getting to lick the spoons!
Look how great those turned out! They are also super yummy and the kids loved them!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Ribbon Rings

Sunday afternoons after church can be a challenge for us. I view this as a time to spend with family and to rest. However, that is not how it goes. I am usually alone with the kids, and the last thing my pre-schooler and toddler want to do is rest and relax. It is so easy to say "sure, watch movies all afternoon." Although the afternoon passes by smoother, Miss O will spend the next week trying to convince me she needs to watch movies all the time.
To combat movie marathons, I decided to try something a little different this Sunday. I made the kids ribbon rings. All I needed was two wooden rings and strips of ribbon. I tied the ribbon to the rings. I turned on the radio and the munchkins started a dance party.
This activity keep my kids busy for awhile. I wish I could say that this was my idea, but I saw kids playin with these at Miss O's school and it just looked so pretty and fun. I have to say that my kids agreed. It got serious when Miss O had to go and change into one of her "dancing dresses" for this activity. They danced and twirled around with those ribbon rings, and laughed and giggled while doing it. It made a momma's heart proud.

Sunday, January 10, 2016


I cannot even begin to tell you how excited the munchkins were to see all that white stuff falling from the sky. With the exception of our first year, our winters have been pretty mild here in Southern Arizona. I have pictures of Miss O at 8 or 9 months old standing in the snow and looking freaked out by its coldness. However, she does not remember that now.
I know that some of you folks out there might laugh at us for being so excited about such a small amount of snow. But, this was their first real experience with it. Short Round did not really care so much, but Miss O was running all over the place. She wanted to catch snowflakes on her tongue, and play on her slide in the snow.
The snow came down hard and fast. We got just a little accumulation. I was hoping it would stick around so the kiddos could play in it the next morning, but sadly as soon as the snow stopped falling it melted.
The way this winter is looking, I have a feeling we might be seeing a little more of the white stuff before spring graces us with its presence.