

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A Breather

Sorry for my absence on this here blog. I know it was unexpected and unannounced. Life just got a little carried away. Even though I love this blog of mine, it just got put on the back burner.
Lift has gotten back on track for us in our little desert home. We are adjusting to changes in our schedules, so say tuned because I am back to blogging.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Miss O's Sweater Is Finished!

So, I finished knitting this sweater about two months ago. It sat in my studio this whole time just waiting on a button. Well, yesterday I finally got around to that button.
Miss O is a champ. She got out in the hot Arizona sun so I could take pictures of her new sweater. For those of you who know her, Miss O is not one who likes to get her picture taken. I was so excited that she got out in the yard willingly!
I started this sweater back in September, and it has gotten put on the back burner many time since then. Lucky for me it is a little big, so she should be able to wear it this winter. Oh, another note on this sweater, I bought the purple yarn about 2 years ago with the intentions of making myself some leg warmers. Yeah, I dodged a bullet on that one. I don't feel that I am too old for leg warmers, just ones made out of yarn named razzelberry.