When I look back at my life so far, I don't have many complaints.
I have been blessed with a very large and loving family, a wonderful husband, children, and friends across the country that we consider a second family.
However, this year has been a hard one. DJ was gone for 7 months, Steve was sick, and I was pregnant and dealing with a toddler going through the terrible twos.
However, when I look back at 2014, I hope to remember all of the wonderful things. Things like Steve not having cancer, Short Round joining our family and completing it, my wonderful friends and church family, and DJ coming back home from training and regaining normalcy once again.
If I could use one word to sum up this year it would be exhausting. I am thankful for 2014 because I know it made me stronger, it made my relationship with God stronger, and it also made my relationship with my family stronger.
Goodbye 2014, and welcome 2015!
Lets see what you have in store for me this year!